Why am I here? What should I be doing with my life? Am I on track?
These are the questions people ask themselves on sleepless nights and in soul-searching moments. Why are we here? I’ve spent the past fifteen years gathering insights from the spirit world on this very topic. The answer is simple. We’re here so the divine spark inside us can experience what it means to be human. We select specific goals with each new lifetime. As we strive to reach these goals, we learn, grow, evolve, and encounter life events that ultimately strengthen us. Through experience, we gain wisdom.
So, what exactly are these “goals,” and do we ever achieve them? With time, we all cross the finish line of this race we’re running. When we do, the ironic part is realizing it was all about running the race, not just finishing the race. As for the goals… some people call them life purposes. Others call them soul lessons. I like Soul Goal because it has a nice ring to it. Whatever you call them, there’s an infinite number of these to select from. Here’s how it works.
Let’s say you have $100 to spend at the store. Math dictates you could purchase two $50 items, four $25 items, or ten items at $10 each. Soul Goals work in much the same way. Some carry more weight because they’re more challenging to experience. Regarding spiritual evolution, a $50 soul goal might include losing everything and starting life over from scratch. This could result from a divorce, a natural disaster, bankruptcy, or losing a battle with addiction. It wouldn’t be fun, but it would test a person’s strength and character - ultimately resulting in spiritual progress.
$25 soul goals might include gaining more patience (by working in customer service), learning to forgive (after someone wrongs you), or caring for others (through volunteer work or becoming a counselor, for example.) As for the $10 soul goals… they’re typically easier and more fun. Things like creativity, appreciating nature, finding humor, improving communication skills, being a leader, compromising, or getting out of your comfort zone.
All of these traits are good skills for a person to have. Yet, each takes time and experience to master fully. Most soul goals cannot be completed in a given lifetime. We return to Earth repeatedly, picking up where we left off and making progress however we can. Our guardian angels keep tabs on our “progress reports” because they know what we’ve done (and accomplished) in past lives and this current one.
Simply put, a soul goal is a trait or characteristic we hope to improve upon as we navigate life. Some people evolve quickly, while others are slower to make forward progress. In the end, we’re all gaining experience points just for being alive in such a busy and uncertain world.
As for the numerical value I’ve assigned to the soul goals above - those are not set in stone. I was just giving you a rough idea of the concept. It’s all very individualized based on a person’s perspective. A life lesson that’s easy for you might be difficult for another person (and vice versa.) There is plenty of variety and endless combinations a person could select from the list. A person might choose one difficult soul goal, two moderate ones, and a half dozen “easier” goals to work on in a given lifetime.
How does a person figure out their list of soul goals? You can start by reflecting back on your life and looking for patterns. What challenges have you been presented time and time again? What opportunities have you been given in every chapter of your life? How has history repeated itself for you, personally (in good ways OR bad ways?) If you can get to the bottom of these questions, you’ll likely stumble upon a few soul goals. If you aren’t in the mood for soul-searching and self-reflection, you could schedule a Soul Discovery session with me. Inevitably, a person’s soul goals are usually spelled out for me in very clear terms when I do those sessions. *end shameless plug*
As for my soul goals? Using college terminology, I feel that helping others is my “major.” Using my intuition to give personal and spiritual insights is merely the way I go about this. My “minor” soul degree is creating. I do this through my books, podcasts, video projects, and my oh-so-interesting culinary creations… some of which belong in the hall of shame. But hey, I’m not one to follow recipes, so it’s trial and error here at the Myers Manor. Then, there are a few “electives” I’ve signed up for this time around - things like expanding emotional range, finding unique solutions to problems, attention to detail, teamwork and collaboration, accepting change, letting go, and my least favorite - patience… which I’m forced to work on when I’m running late and get stuck behind the world’s slowest driver.
Whether you’ve discovered your soul’s purpose or not, rest assured you’re experiencing what you came here to do. Your spirit guides keep you within certain parameters so you adhere to your soul’s curriculum. Think of yourself as a bowling ball. Your spirit guides are like the inflatable bags that prevent kids from throwing a gutter ball. You may bounce back and forth through life, but thanks to them, you’ll never land in the gutter.
Welp, that’s all for now. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber to this newsletter. It will grant you access to bonus content, full-length articles, and the ability to be mentioned in some of my upcoming books. It’s just $5 a month (which is less than the latte I had this morning when I lost all self-control and ordered a big cup of sugar-filled yumminess.) I have no regrets.
Happy soul-goaling. I hope to see you on June 14th at my next event - Soul Spark: Igniting Happiness in Your Life.
Later gator,
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